Party Inside the Covered Bridge

It is hard to overstate the strength of this community here in the mad river valley. Last night there was a huge outpouring of spirit inside our beloved covered bridge. I am not sure how difficult it is outside the shire to close the main artery through town so that people can have lights, music and dancing there, perhaps nobody asked. Welcome to the valley.

There was a heavy squall early on with the attendant high winds, rain like it came out of a fire hose. Food, wine and beer flowed along bridge street and inside the bridge music and dancing carried on. Old friends, new friends and casual acquaintances forged on because this was about celebrating us, and the fact that Irene delivered a devastating blow and our solution was to hold hands, help each other and make each other whole. You just have to love a place like that.

So the tornado warning played over the radio, the rain hammered the ground, wind blew over branches and lawn furniture, but still people came. Then the rainbow appeared. Welcome to the valley.

Here is a small video from last nights celebration. I hope you enjoy.

2 thoughts on “Party Inside the Covered Bridge

  1. there’s our Brookie, I knew it would take you all of 5 minutes to leave us other bloggers in the dust. Love this voice, it reads just how you sound warm and “perhaps nobody asked.” insightful so glad you started blogging. Sounds like a great party! miss you my friend

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